Applus+ broadens its collaboration with Ecoembes for waste characterisation and material quality control services


    Ecoembes, an organisation that has been committed to taking care of the environment and promoting the recycling of packaging in Spain for 25 years, has awarded Applus+ the contract for the provision of waste management services, quality control of materials, stock control and moisture and dirt measurement for the year 2024, extendable until 2026.

    Applus+ has been providing these services in different regions of Spain since 2005. The recent contract award means that Applus+ will be expanding its scope and operating in part of the Madrid Region and in Castilla y León, as well as in the geographical areas already covered - Asturias, Cantabria, Navarra, La Rioja, the Basque Country, Aragon and part of Catalonia.

    Waste characterisation is an integral part of Ecoembes' activities, as it makes it possible to take appropriate measures based on waste composition. Likewise, control of the quality of the materials recovered in the packaging sorting plants and in the residual treatment plants enables a clear understanding of quality standards (the Technical Specifications for Recovered Materials, established with recoverers and recyclers).

    With the dedication of a highly qualified technical team, Applus+ reaffirms its position as one of the leading environmental service providers in the Iberian Peninsula.

    This extension of the contract not only reflects Ecoembes' continued confidence in Applus+, but also highlights our company's commitment to sustainability and responsible resource management.

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