Applus+ in PNG Joined Forces with CEPA and Local Community in Celebrating Environmental Day through Mangrove Restoration


    On 9th June 2023, the Applus+ in PNG team joined forces with the Conservation Environmental Protection Authority (CEPA) and the local community in Tubusereia village, near Port Moresby, to celebrate World Environmental Day.

    The focus was on restoring mangroves in the Bootless Bay area of the Central Provinces. With support from CEPA and Mr. Elizah Pais from the Rara Rarei Foundation Inc., Applus+ successfully led an event at the Mirikone site in Tubusereia. Over 1,500 mangrove seedlings were planted by 25 enthusiastic staff members led by General Manager James Fraser-Byass. The community members were delighted to be part of an initiative that would positively impact their environment.

    This Mangrove Rehabilitation project emphasizes the importance of mangrove restoration in affected regions to combat climate change. It also highlights the power of community collaboration in environmental protection. The program aims to engage corporate volunteers to support future replanting efforts and raise awareness among coastal communities about the significance of safeguarding mangrove ecosystems and addressing climate change effects.

    Applus+ took the initiative to educate ourselves about the importance of the environment, specifically focusing on mangrove plants, restoration efforts, and our contribution to combating climate change. Planting mangrove seedlings is crucial for mitigating climate change, particularly in coastal areas, as mangroves stabilize shorelines, provide marine life habitats, and absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide.

    Collaboratively, we are making substantial strides towards a sustainable future and guaranteeing a healthier planet through preserving and restoring our marine ecosystems. Let us persist in joining forces to safeguard and revitalize our invaluable natural resources.

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